- There were 235 new cases in the country, bringing the total number of cases to 2,031.
- Malaysia’s King and Queen are under quarantine after seven palace staff test positive for COVID-19.
- The Prime Minister announced an extension of the restriction of movement order by another two weeks until April 14. He also announced a second stimulus package.
- Malaysia reported its 17th COVID-19 related death.
- The government has allocated another US$135 million for the Health Ministry to combat the virus.
- The country will mobilize the army to help enforce curbs on movement aimed at reining in the coronavirus.
- The country will deploy the army from Sunday to assist police in enforcing a partial lockdown.
- Malaysia shut its borders with Singapore, beginning a 14-day partial lockdown.
- Malaysia will impose a nationwide movement control order from Wednesday until the end of the month. The order includes a comprehensive restriction on movements and public gatherings including a ban on all religious, sports, social, and cultural activities.
- Malaysia’s Prime Minister has announced a two week lockdown of the country.
- Malaysia has cancelled all Education Ministry programmes.